

Is retro your vice, or have you just never met a candy you didn’t like? Is there really truth to the old adage…You are what you eat? Are you crazy about Sugary, Sour, Fluffy, chewy, colorful, crunchy, hard, licorice, dark, milk, or white chocolate? What’s Your Candy Personality? We’ve channeled our “inner Willy Wonka” to bring you your CandyScope® because at Candyality® you really are what you eat!





How it works: Look below for your favorite type(s) of candy to find out what the sweet stuff is forecasting for your future! At Candyality, you really are what you eat!

(Pixie Sticks, Runts, Fruit Blast…)
You’re such a go-getter, but you deserve a break. Mercury goes into retrograde on the 12th, and you should go into chill mode at the same time. Hit snooze on your alarm clock this week and focus on relaxation.

(Sour Belts, Worms, Poppers, Balls…)
With two eclipses and Mercury in retrograde, this August is going to be chaotic–but we know you enjoy the thrill of the unknown so we’re sure you’re loving the ride. We suggest that you keep being your spontaneous self and see where it takes you.

(Jelly Belly, Gumdrops, Skittles…)
The planets have aligned this month to bring you lots of luck, so don’t be afraid to take a chance this month because it will probably work out in your favor. Luck is on your side, but try not to take advantage of your winning streak or you might accidentally attract negative karma.

(Haribo Raspberries, French Burnt Peanuts, Peanut M & M’s…)
It’s eclipse season and it’s causing an intense competitive energy to brew inside you. Put those feelings of restlessness to good use by channeling them into sports or upping your performance at work. Don’t forget to reward your productivity with a bag of your favorite crunchy candies!

(Cotton Candy, Taffy, Airheads…)
A lunar eclipse on the 7th will put an emphasis on your love life that will set the tone for the rest of August. Romantic relationships will be your top priority this month, but don’t forget to make time for your platonic relationships as well. Strike a balance between love and friendship and you’ll be in for a month of intense connections.

(Gummy Bears, Swedish Fish, Bubble Gum…)
The first half of August is smooth sailing for you, but beware of the storm brewing around the 15th. Power struggles and jealousy are on the horizon, so keep your guard up as we enter the second half of the month. You’re a tough cookie so we know you’ll be fine.

(Lemon Drops, Jawbreakers, Peppermints…)
You’re usually pretty on top of things, but expect a heavy dose of chaos and miscommunication around the 12th when Mercury goes into retrograde. This is not a good time to embark on any new projects, so just focus on the task at hand until retrograde passes.

(Red, Black, Good & Plenty…)
Usually retrograde is a time to avoid communication, but this time around Mercury is urging you to reconnect with your partner in a meaningful way. This retrograde will strengthen your personal relationships if you make an effort to engage with your loved ones in a significant way.

(Anything Covered in Dark Chocolate…)
We know you have a dark side, and this Mercury retrograde will put an emphasis on your more mystic qualities. Put on your favorite dark shades and embrace your mysterious tendencies.

(Anything Covered in Milk Chocolate…)
Mercury retrograde is a bad time for making big commitments or business decisions, so try to avoid setting important plans this month. Instead, go with the flow and let things happen organically–you’ll feel less stressed and you’ll be less likely to fall victim to the woes of retrograde.

(Anything Covered in White Chocolate…)
The stars are telling you to put yourself out there this month, and we advise you to listen. This month is full of opportunities for you to be noticed, and we know that a trend-setter like you loves to be seen! Don’t say no to anything this month and you’ll find yourself feeling at home in the spotlight.

(Tootsie Rolls, Mary Janes, Bit O Honey…)
Mercury in retrograde is making you feel super nostalgic this month. Take a stroll down memory lane and do the things that remind you of happier times–perhaps that means a trip to the candy store to stock up on your favorite retro treats!

Hello FREAK! Your life is always sugar coated and sweet. Congrats you MANIAC on being so connected to your confections that you make the world taste good.

Sour Gummy Worms
Chocolate Covered Pretzels

Tootsie Pops

Visit to shop online or to contact us about all things sweet!

Candyality® has been delighting consumers since 2007 on what their candy choices say about them! Our bi-monthly blog and your CandyScope®, is a delightful, mouthwatering perspective of what your favorite candy says about you. Something you can really sink your teeth into! Because @candyality you are what you eat!

2017 Candyality LTD. All rights reserved

CANDYSCOPE® September 16-30, 2016


How it works: Look below for your favorite type(s) of candy to find out what the sweet stuff is forecasting for your future! At Candyality, you really are what you eat!

(Pixie Sticks, Runts, Fruit Blast…)
Shine on harvest moon!  The full moon eclipse on the 16th of the month you’ll have plenty of wind in your sails to take fall by sea or storm.  Are you training for the triathlon?  Got a 5k on your mind?  You are at peak performance, and your competitive spirit is overwhelming.  Stock up on your sugary sweets and go for the gold.

(Sour Belts, Worms, Poppers, Balls…)
The harvest moon seems to be effecting your sweet tooth urge and those risk taking tendencies that you posses.  This is the time to start experiencing all the things on your bucket list; you’ll have a blast!

(Jelly Belly, Gumdrops, Skittles…)
The colors of candy have always provided you with some sweet inspiration.  Cool weather brings even cooler candy waiting to be scooped up. So grab a new stash bag and pick and mix to your heart’s desire!  

(Haribo Raspberries, French Burnt Peanuts, Peanut M & M’s…)
Colleagues, family, and friends will provide you with the resources you need for all upcoming details and strategies. Set up an impromptu candy buffet with your favs to keep you and everyone around you motivated and produce valuable results.

(Cotton Candy, Taffy, Airheads…)
It’s a good time to guard your mental state as the moon enters into Libra. Meditate, eat good food, and fill up on fluffy treats, these will help you stay on course and produce insightful results and of course keep you balanced.

(Gummy Bears, Swedish Fish, Bubble Gum…)
You are so resilient, the daily grind is more like the daily chew with you.  Don’t let your practicality get in the way of having fun, in fact take in a special event on the 23rd the night of the last quarter moon; you’ll have so much fun you’ll be bouncing off the walls!

(Lemon Drops, Jawbreakers, Peppermints…)
Entering the fall season always makes you contemplate your direction in life.  You tend to be modest so don’t discount all that you have accomplished.  Use the next few weeks to be reserved and rejuvenate, as you should be quite busy as the new season unfolds.

(Red, Black, Good & Plenty…)
As fall approaches your cravings for your favorite licorice become stronger.  Don’t hesitate to indulge, as your mantra should be to be as kind to yourself as you are to others.  Sharing your stash bag will be a win-win for you and your friends.

(Anything Covered in Dark Chocolate…)
Fall fashion seems to be better than ever and your dark cravings have you out and about buying the latest trends.  Restock that wardrobe with a few staples and just like your chocolate, don’t be afraid to add at least a piece that you couldn’t resist

(Anything Covered in Milk Chocolate…)
Lucky you!  This whole harvest moon thing has put you in an unbelievable positive mood.  Everyone around you will want to feed off your energy, so stock up on the milky treats as this experience will last until the end of the month!

(Anything Covered in White Chocolate…)
You’re out and about these days trying lots of new places and things to do. While you wish to keep some things to your self, you are the Pied Piper and everything you do the entourage.  The white stuff you crave makes you a natural born leader, scoop up and deal!  

(Tootsie Rolls, Mary Janes, Bit O Honey…)
Party hearty!  This is the best time to put on those blue suede shoes and rock around the clock!  Stock up on your favorite nostalgic treats, spin some 45’s and have some fun, fun. fun!

Hello FREAK! Your life is always sugar coated and sweet. Congrats you MANIAC on being so connected to your confections that you make the world taste good.

Yowies, Beer flavored Cotton Candy, Coconut Haystacks

Visit to shop online or to contact us about all things sweet!

Candyality® has been delighting consumers since 2007 on what their candy choices say about them! Our bi-monthly blog and your CandyScope®, is a delightful, mouthwatering perspective of what your favorite candy says about you. Something you can really sink your teeth into! Because @candyality you are what you eat!

2016 Candyality LTD. All rights reserved

CANDYSCOPE® September 1-15, 2016


How it works: Look below for your favorite type(s) of candy to find out what the sweet stuff is forecasting for your future! At Candyality, you really are what you eat!

(Pixie Sticks, Runts, Fruit Blast…)
You may feel like you got hit with a brick, but alas, that’s just the collision of the new moon on the first coupled with a small retrograde in mercury.  If you are a little sluggish, regroup with a bag of your sugary treats.  As always your favs will reset your clock and you’ll be able to face the world with your dazzling sweet smile!

(Sour Belts, Worms, Poppers, Balls…)
Virgo is the new moon and there is no better time this year than to go out and explore some new territories and opportunities.  Pucker up with a stash of sour treats and map out your new adventures.

(Jelly Belly, Gumdrops, Skittles…)
Creative thoughts are at an all time high with the new moon in Virgo.  New insights and breakthroughs perk up your creative side.  Use the colors of the fading summer season and of course the new fall candy arrivals to inspire you.  You will produce some of your best works of the year during this period.

(Haribo Raspberries, French Burnt Peanuts, Peanut M & M’s…)
Take advantage of the right opportunities that will come your way with Virgo in the new moon.  Don’t let the mercury retrograde stop you from closing in on all those great deals.  Crunch out all the details with a stash bag at your side and sign away on the dotted line!

(Cotton Candy, Taffy, Airheads…)
Expect to be emotional during these next couple of weeks.  The mercury retrograde will feel like a set back form it’s onset but actually will allow you to pause and get in touch with your inner candy self.  Meditate and scoop up more fluffy stuff, you’ll feel like your floating on air.

(Gummy Bears, Swedish Fish, Bubble Gum…)
Adopt a take-charge attitude with yourself during the new moon phase.  Durability is key, do not fold but rather tough it out like a gummy bear that’s been exposed to air for days.

(Lemon Drops, Jawbreakers, Peppermints…)
Slow down, you’re moving to fast…you love to make the candy last…time to slow it down a notch from the fast pace of summer.  The mercury in retrograde will make you feel like putting your gears in slo mo for this timeframe.

(Red, Black, Good & Plenty…)
You seem to be making a lot of promises lately that is very indicative of your personality.  Your kindness and loyalty go along way during this timeframe and those around you appreciate your commitment.

(Anything Covered in Dark Chocolate…)
The dark sweets make you drawn to sophistication and flair. Use this time to shop for new styles and trends.

(Anything Covered in Milk Chocolate…)
You’ll be uber passionate as the new moon kicks off the month. Re-fuel with your favorite chocolate bar and share your feelings with everyone you come in contact with.

(Anything Covered in White Chocolate…)The mercury retrograde will force you to explore new connections on your social network.  People tend to follow your path so take this new group on a new path with your leadership skills.

(Tootsie Rolls, Mary Janes, Bit O Honey…)
You spend this time wishing the leisure suit would come back in style, but we all know that is highly unlikely!  Candy lovers like you are great to be around because you are so sentimental; seriously what would the world come to if there were no Candy Sticks or Chuckles?

Hello FREAK! Your life is always sugar coated and sweet. Congrats you MANIAC on being so connected to your confections that you make the world taste good.

Nerds, Chocolate covered Pretzels, Gummy Pizza

Visit to shop online or to contact us about all things sweet!

Candyality® has been delighting consumers since 2007 on what their candy choices say about them! Our bi-monthly blog and your CandyScope®, is a delightful, mouthwatering perspective of what your favorite candy says about you. Something you can really sink your teeth into! Because @candyality you are what you eat!

2016 Candyality LTD. All rights reserved



How it works: Look below for your favorite type(s) of candy to find out what the sweet stuff is forecasting for your future! At Candyality, you really are what you eat!

(Pixie Sticks, Runts, Fruit Blast…)
The new moon on the 4th will lead the way, and bring you much needed happiness, joy, and of course an unbeatable edge.  Your sugary treats are giving you a euphoric feeling, so keep scooping and enjoy that good winning feeling.

(Sour Belts, Worms, Poppers, Balls…)
It’s the perfect time to take that risk you’ve been thinking about in the back of your mind.  Get it off the back burner and keep eating your FAV sour treats to give you the boost of confidence that you will need.

(Jelly Belly, Gumdrops, Skittles…)
Refuel with your favorite colorful candy and enjoy because it’s keeping all of those creative juices flowing!  Buy some canvas this weekend and be prepared to produce a masterpiece-aka get your Monet on!

(Haribo Raspberries, French Burnt Peanuts, Peanut M & M’s…)
With the new moon kicking off the month, this is a wonderful period to finish any negotiations and sign on the dotted line.  Keep a stash of you crunchy treats on hand to help you get through the tiny details and you’ll be sure to make more friends than enemies.

(Cotton Candy, Taffy, Airheads…)
You’ll need to keep to your favorite fluff close at hand as your friends and family need to lean on those superior listening skills your sweet treats make you possess.  The good thing to note that this is the season for Salt Water Taffy, be adventurous and try some new flavors!

(Gummy Bears, Swedish Fish, Bubble Gum…)
Life’s forces seem to be coming at you in a furious pace.  Tackle the situation ahead by double dipping into your chewy treats, and as they say “rubber, glue-nothing will stick to you!”

(Lemon Drops, Jawbreakers, Peppermints…)
You are bound and determined to enjoy the summer with just a few members of your family and some close friends.  Plan some activities that will create meaningful memories for the future.

(Red, Black, Good & Plenty…)
You seem to be extending yourself above and beyond as your favorite treats brings out the loyalty in you.  Look for some major payback as this month unfolds and if you’re invited over make sure you come well stocked with a fresh stash bag for pure enjoyment for your family and friends.

(Anything Covered in Dark Chocolate…)
The new moon will bring an incredible amount of resourcefulness to you, and no doubt refresh to your keen sense of style.  Look for inspiration from magazines, Pinterest, and your favorite blogs.

(Anything Covered in Milk Chocolate…)
As with most of your life this is a period of extreme positive feelings.  Follow an idea close to home; it might be like finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

(Anything Covered in White Chocolate…)
You seem to be busy with all of your summer plans.  The moon is in Cancer so nothing should get in your way.  Just remember to clear the path behind you so those that follow can get there too.

(Tootsie Rolls, Mary Janes, Bit O Honey…)
Get out your tiki torches this is a period of parties and good times.  Stock up on those sentimental sweets to get everyone reminiscing about decades past.

Hello FREAK! Your life is always sugar coated and sweet. Congrats you MANIAC on being so connected to your confections that you make the world taste good.

Salt Water Taffy
Chocolate Ice Cubes
Red, White, Blue M&M’s

Visit to shop online or to contact us about all things sweet!

Candyality® has been delighting consumers since 2007 on what their candy choices say about them! Our bi-monthly blog and your CandyScope®, is a delightful, mouthwatering perspective of what your favorite candy says about you. Something you can really sink your teeth into! Because @candyality you are what you eat!

2016 Candyality LTD. All rights reserved

CANDYSCOPE® May 16-31, 2016


How it works: Look below for your favorite type(s) of candy to find out what the sweet stuff is forecasting for your future! At Candyality, you really are what you eat!

(Pixie Sticks, Runts, Fruit Blast…)
The full moon on the 21st puts your sugar fix on an all time high!  This is a good time to target any major initiatives that you’ve been thinking about.  Set your goals and aim to win!

(Sour Belts, Worms, Poppers, Balls…)
The inner risk taker in you, or maybe the bag of sours you eat is pushing to have some adventures enter your life.  And we say why not!  The thrill of danger is always in your vocabulary so scoop up, be careful and go for it!

(Jelly Belly, Gumdrops, Skittles…)
An exceptional time to let the colorful candy you crave bring on new inspiration and thought.  Scoop up those color-filled treats and stir up something Martha Stewart would envy!

(Haribo Raspberries, French Burnt Peanuts, Peanut M & M’s…)
Interesting developments lead you to review current financial arrangements.  May we suggest an extra dose of that crunchy treat to get to the finest detail and to keep those involved on their toes.  Try to close all deals before the full moon on the 21st.

(Cotton Candy, Taffy, Airheads…)
It’s almost as if the skies have cleared and the world seems so much brighter for you.  Your airy treats have you floating on a cloud, keep eating and no parachute will be necessary.

(Gummy Bears, Swedish Fish, Bubble Gum…)
Lately you have a ton of responsibility, which makes you known as a force to reckon with. No doubt that you’re sweet treats keep you resilient and can take anything that is thrown at you, so keep your stash close by.

(Lemon Drops, Jawbreakers, Peppermints…)
Be as finicky about your friends as you are with your sugar treats, as you seem to be in demand and your time is precious.  Being selective will pay off and your time will not be wasted.

(Red, Black, Good & Plenty…)
You tend to refill your fix every few days because your life is filled with habits that  just seems better when it is that way.  Your sugar fix brings loyalty and in a world that is constantly changing a little allegiance is always good.

(Anything Covered in Dark Chocolate…)
Highly indulgent treats give you the sophistication and style of a Park Avenue socialite.  Maybe the dark stuff is upgrading your life who knows, if you close your eyes and make a wish you might find yourself summering in the Hamptons this year!

(Anything Covered in Milk Chocolate…)
Romance combined with travel is definitely occupying your life. Your creamy milk covered sugar stash has been your fuel for love and new adventures, and lets face it if it’s covered in milk chocolate there is nothing bad!  Look for positive things to happen after the full moon on the 21st.

(Anything Covered in White Chocolate…)
You continue to be on the cutting edge of everything, and no matter what, you refill on that white stuff and everyone else follows suit and admires your panache and trend setting abilities.  As they say everyone always follows the leader of the pack.

(Tootsie Rolls, Mary Janes, Bit O Honey…)
Your sugar fix is bringing out your inner-child.  Grab that stash of treats and go out and have some fun!  This time of the year always gives you the feeling of cruising Route 66 and reminiscing about the days of your youth.

Hello FREAK! Your life is always sugar coated and sweet. Congrats you MANIAC on being so connected to your confections that you make the world taste good.

Vegan Chocolate
Cubby Gummy Bears
Champagne Gummy Bears

Visit to shop online or to contact us about all things sweet!

Candyality® has been delighting consumers since 2007 on what their candy choices say about them! Our bi-monthly blog and your CandyScope®, is a delightful, mouthwatering perspective of what your favorite candy says about you. Something you can really sink your teeth into! Because @candyality you are what you eat!

2016 Candyality LTD. All rights reserved

CANDYSCOPE® May 1-15, 2016


How it works: Look below for your favorite type(s) of candy to find out what the sweet stuff is forecasting for your future! At Candyality, you really are what you eat!

(Pixie Sticks, Runts, Fruit Blast…)
The new moon on the 6th and your sugary stash has given you passion to put an extra kick in your step.  Take advantage of this additional energy and start a competitive team in bowling, softball…you aim to win and you will not only get the gold medal but all the activity will keep you in tip top shape too!

(Sour Belts, Worms, Poppers, Balls…)
You seem to be on the hunt for the most sour treat in the world, like a mission from you know who!  Take a chance on new areas and places that you have never been. Think of the roads less traveled and it is sure to give you inspiration to an unexpected path filled with adventure.

(Jelly Belly, Gumdrops, Skittles…)
Spring is in the air and color is popping up all over-not just in your candy bag!  Use your inspiration and channel your inner cleverness and use this time to invent new products and ideas.

(Haribo Raspberries, French Burnt Peanuts, Peanut M & M’s…)
Be careful to take precise measurements and plan accordingly.  Leave no stone unturned and pay attention to all details.  Business relations open up after the new moon, so prepare to close all deals then.

(Cotton Candy, Taffy, Airheads…)
You crave all candy made with air, which tends to keep you light on your feet and easy to shuffle around everything in life.  Keep all thoughts into perspective and don’t get too deep.  Keep floating along and clear your mind and keep your life as fluffy as possible.

(Gummy Bears, Swedish Fish, Bubble Gum…)
You have been saving for a rainy day, and your practical side wants you to keep putting your extra dollars in the bank.  Splurge after the first quarter moon on the 13th, but don’t blow it all in one place-remember you need to save a little to replenish your sweet treats!

(Lemon Drops, Jawbreakers, Peppermints…)
You are a friend in demand and your social calendar seems to be filling up quickly. Your friends know they can rely on your “steady Eddy” personality and want to hang with you.  The new moon brings lots of activities so enjoy.

(Red, Black, Good & Plenty…)
Fill up your candy dish and call a friend to come over and enjoy some sweet treats!  Going out of your way for your family and friends is what your known for.  Your generosity will always come back to you so don’t hold back. Consider making a donation to a worthy cause before the new moon on the 6th.

(Anything Covered in Dark Chocolate…)
You consider your love for the dark stuff like an investment, it may cost a bit more but it is always worth it!  With sunny days approaching  it’s time to indulge in a new pair of shades.  Just like “Jackie O” your signature look is always polished.

(Anything Covered in Milk Chocolate…)
This is the time to grab a few of your favorite candy bars and start a new novel that takes you to a place you have never been.  Use the influences in what you are reading and apply them in your life.  Your passion will be contagious

(Anything Covered in White Chocolate…)
Being trendy just comes naturally to you and there is nothing wrong with that.  Your interests gravitate towards the latest in fashion, health and beauty. New trends and techniques are on the horizon so like the pied piper be prepared for all those around you to mimic your lead.

(Tootsie Rolls, Mary Janes, Bit O Honey…)
Spring cleaning has you purging closets but take caution not to donate everything to charity.  Save that piece that brings back some good memories.  It may not always be in style but your quirkiness can pull anything off!

Hello FREAK! Your life is always sugar coated and sweet. Congrats you MANIAC on being so connected to your confections that you make the world taste good.

Champagne Gummy Bears
Heaven & Hell Caramel Treats
Reeds Hard Candy Rolls

Visit to shop online or to contact us about all things sweet!

Candyality® has been delighting consumers since 2007 on what their candy choices say about them! Our bi-monthly blog and your CandyScope®, is a delightful, mouthwatering perspective of what your favorite candy says about you. Something you can really sink your teeth into! Because @candyality you are what you eat!

2016 Candyality LTD. All rights reserved

CANDYSCOPE® April 16-30, 2016


How it works: Look below for your favorite type(s) of candy to find out what the sweet stuff is forecasting for your future! At Candyality, you really are what you eat!

(Pixie Sticks, Runts, Fruit Blast…)
You seem to be on a “sugar high,” most likely because Pluto is in retrograde or is it because you keep digging deep into your sweet treats? Are you enjoying all of that instant gratification?  Doesn’t matter, you are on a sweet path of constant recognition for the next five months, so enjoy the fast track while you can!

(Sour Belts, Worms, Poppers, Balls…)
It’s a good time to hedge your bets and move forward with an idea or project that you’ve wanted to get off the ground especially when the full moon hits on the 22nd.  The sweet/sour surge from your stash bag is providing you with just the right amount of motivation to confidently keep going…keep one foot in front of the next and don’t look back.

(Jelly Belly, Gumdrops, Skittles…)
They say creativity is the “spice of life.”  With you it might just be coming from that colorful bag of spice drops!  As Pluto enters a five-month retrograde your imagination will be working overtime.  This is an excellent time to travel and be inspired by your surroundings.

(Haribo Raspberries, French Burnt Peanuts, Peanut M & M’s…)
This period poses to be of “powerhouse” potential.  You’re always looking for your “payday”, and with your shrewd negotiation skills this may be the time to make the “100 grand!”

(Cotton Candy, Taffy, Airheads…)
You have a tendency to want to broaden your horizons.  Your free spirit ways have been guiding you to start a fundraiser for a new cause.  After the full moon on the 22nd set a date and fight for what you believe in and keep eating the treats made with air for inspiration.

(Gummy Bears, Swedish Fish, Bubble Gum…)
Your practicality has kept you in check during the long winter.  With the warm weather ahead you are feeling rejuvenated.  Move your exercise program outdoors and remember that gummy bears are good for fuel to keep you going that extra mile!

(Lemon Drops, Jawbreakers, Peppermints…)
Life seems to be busy as we change seasons.  Make sure you apply your trademark discipline of a slow and steady pace during the next few weeks.  With Pluto entering a retrograde take it all in while you enjoy the starlight mints, and try not to let those around you influence your judgment and decisions.

(Red, Black, Good & Plenty…)
Your sugar bag tells us that kindness is paying off and many friends will be seeking the pleasure of your company.  Take out your date book and pencil them all in.  While this time may seem hectic, you’ll love the chance to catch up with everyone.

(Anything Covered in Dark Chocolate…)
Everyone is touting that your sugar fix has some awesome health benefits.  It’s no wonder why you keep looking good! Spring is here and time to prance out in your new wardrobe. Your style is flourishing and others may copy a form of your look.  Don’t be upset, be flattered, it’s a compliment to your highly developed taste and style and might you suggest they try a truffle or two?

(Anything Covered in Milk Chocolate…)
Your candy fuels your passion and puts your positive attitudes in sync.  Follow your heart during the next five months while Pluto is in retrograde and you will see big rewards and a personal transformation

(Anything Covered in White Chocolate…)
During the Pluto retrograde, this is an excellent time to catch up on your reading.  Go through the stacks of magazines you have ben saving and read a book or two on the best sellers list.  Your friends look to you for authority so you definitely want to be up on all that’s current.

(Tootsie Rolls, Mary Janes, Bit O Honey…)
They say that nostalgic is in vogue, so for you this is nothing that you don’t live everyday.  Start plans for your summer road trip-think Moon Pies, RC cola, and maybe a Goo-Goo or two!  Route 66 is sounding sooo good!

Hello FREAK! Your life is always sugar coated and sweet. Congrats you MANIAC on being so connected to your confections that you make the world taste good.

Sour Apple Belts
Cinnamon Bears
Dark Chocolate Almonds
Gold Foiled Coins

Visit to shop online or to contact us about all things sweet!

Candyality® has been delighting consumers since 2007 on what their candy choices say about them! Our bi-monthly blog and your CandyScope®, is a delightful, mouthwatering perspective of what your favorite candy says about you. Something you can really sink your teeth into! Because @candyality you are what you eat!

2016 Candyality LTD. All rights reserved

CANDYSCOPE® April 1-15, 2016


How it works: Look below for your favorite type(s) of candy to find out what the sweet stuff is forecasting for your future! At Candyality, you really are what you eat!

(Pixie Sticks, Runts, Fruit Blast…)
Spring is here and you are ready to roll!  You have a “make it happen attitude” with many goals on your mind.  Get organized and hammer out the details.  Your sugary treats have given you just the shot in the arm that you need to achieve and win at whatever is put in front of you.

(Sour Belts, Worms, Poppers, Balls…)
An overdose of sour sweets has you feeling the surge to take on some great risks right now.  You have never wanted to live in regret so move forward and don’t look back.  You are exhibiting extreme confidence and this is good.  Others may try to judge you, but as a wild child you are used to this, in the end those who aren’t afraid to take risks come out ahead.

(Jelly Belly, Gumdrops, Skittles…)
As colors continue to influence your life your creative side is nothing but brilliant.  Organize your thoughts on paper so you miss nothing that your imagination holds.  The new moon on the 7th would be the time to get out the glue gun and complete a crafty project that has been on your mind, it will turn out way better than you anticipate.

(Haribo Raspberries, French Burnt Peanuts, Peanut M & M’s…)
Life with you is always like boxes of chocolates, those around you never know what they are going to get with you!  This is a superb time to organize a team to win the deal.  Let people see your non-selfish, non-egotistical side as this will pay off when you go to close more contracts in the future.

(Cotton Candy, Taffy, Airheads…)
Dreaming some little dreams?  Your fluffy stuff is leaving you a little light or light hearted these days.  Enjoy this “airiness” and just float.  Your free spirited nature is the envy of many around you.

(Gummy Bears, Swedish Fish, Bubble Gum…)
Times like these call for flexibility, and your chewy treats help you with this mode.  Keep thinking practical, but have a plan “B” in that back pocket.  Many things will be thrown at you during the next few weeks, but you are a tough cookie who can handle it all.

(Lemon Drops, Jawbreakers, Peppermints…)
Calm, cool, and collected, those around think that you’ve been slightly aloof, they just forget that this is your modus operandi-regardless if you step it up a notch or two, your friends will still gravitate to your balanced and sensible side.

(Red, Black, Good & Plenty…)
Your loyalty brings you good fortune.  Kind of like “Candy Karma”-give something sweet and something sweet will come back to you.   Cultivate a new list of favorites and share with those around you.

(Anything Covered in Dark Chocolate…)
With a new season you are seriously looking to change your fashionable style.  Since you are so resourceful put together you own “look book,” and start perusing the catalogs and clothing racks.  There is no doubt that you’ll step out so grand that those around you will be in awe.

(Anything Covered in Milk Chocolate…)
Since your sweet treats bring you comfort, you find yourself in a nesting attitude.  You’re gravitating towards items that will make your crib more at ease.  Don’t delay, as you’ll want to be ready before the season ends so you can enjoy your new positive surroundings.

(Anything Covered in White Chocolate…)
You are known to create a social buzz in all that you do.  You have spent these colder months reading best sellers, studying current affairs, checking out the new restaurant in your hood, and catching the flicks at the local movie theater, with all of this info and your strong opinions launch the blog that you thought about writing.  Your natural born leadership will have those around you following your thoughts and words.

(Tootsie Rolls, Mary Janes, Bit O Honey…)
Your sweets put you in a happy place and make you want to get out those blue suede shoes!  Tip toe through the spring tulips and enjoy the new season.  Remember you are not weird, just a little quirky- and you know you only go around life once so go for all the gusto you can!

Hello FREAK! Your life is always sugar coated and sweet. Congrats you MANIAC on being so connected to your confections that you make the world taste good.

Sour Apple Belts
Cinnamon Bears
Dark Chocolate Almonds
Gold Foiled Coins

Visit to shop online or to contact us about all things sweet!

Candyality® has been delighting consumers since 2007 on what their candy choices say about them! Our bi-monthly blog and your CandyScope®, is a delightful, mouthwatering perspective of what your favorite candy says about you. Something you can really sink your teeth into! Because @candyality you are what you eat!

2016 Candyality LTD. All rights reserved

CANDYSCOPE® March 1-15, 2016


How it works: Look below for your favorite type(s) of candy to find out what the sweet stuff is forecasting for your future! At Candyality, you really are what you eat!

(Pixie Sticks, Runts, Fruit Blast…)
With the new moon on the 9th you may find you need a little extra boost to your highflying energy levels.  Make it a point to grab an additional dose of your favorite sweet treat to keep you going strong.  “Spring Forward” when we push the clocks ahead on the 13th and prepare your list of goals that you would like to achieve at this time.

(Sour Belts, Worms, Poppers, Balls…)
Life can be dangerous for you especially with the extreme life you love to lead!  Don’t consider giving up your sour sugar fix anytime in the near future, for you it never works.  Instead put your energies out to the universe and plan to achieve another extreme goal!  It may seem to be a bit risky-but hey, that’s what you’re known for!

(Jelly Belly, Gumdrops, Skittles…)
Plan to retreat and rest during these next two weeks to reconnect with your inner Monet, or Martha, or Albert Einstein…got it?  Your mind needs a rest and the R & R will definitely pay off down the road with a new creation to capture you.  So grab a bag of your favorite color oriented candy and let the inspiration begin.

(Haribo Raspberries, French Burnt Peanuts, Peanut M & M’s…)
Having to negotiate or close a big deal can be a little tricky for you Crunchers until after the new moon on the 9th.  You may be forced to compromise in order to close the deal on the table, but then again building a one for you, one for me relationship will help you down the road and make you more successful in the long run. So get some of your favorite sweet treats and share.

(Cotton Candy, Taffy, Airheads…)
The moon is not in the 7th house, and Jupiter is not aligning with Mars…You feel out of sync and are resorting to lots of extra fluff, aka there is not enough Cotton Candy in the world right now for you to indulge in!  Try to supplement with a little taffy to give you the airy feeling that you’re craving, and wait until these feelings pass somewhere around the 13th when we move time forward.

(Gummy Bears, Swedish Fish, Bubble Gum…)
This period proves to be very practical for you.  You’re preparing for your annual Spring-cleaning, and need all the help you can get!  You tend to exhibit a very matter of fact tendency of out with the old and in with the new attitude, which will help you get tons accomplished.

(Lemon Drops, Jawbreakers, Peppermints…)
You are very self-disciplined and this is a trait that you are really admired for.  Friends and family will need you around as they will need to make decisions regarding health wealth, and future plans.  Especially around the new moon you’ll be like the “Rock” they will need to make the right choices, so move forward at your usual steady pace.

(Red, Black, Good & Plenty…)
Your loyalty will be rewarded!  Those close to you really do appreciate all of the times that you’ve gone out of your way in their favor.  It’s like karma-what comes around…goes around, get what you give.  The payback is super sweet!

(Anything Covered in Dark Chocolate…)
Your sense of style is just as impeccable as all of those movie stars that walk the red carpet.  Many adore your savvy panache so have a truffle (dark of course!), put on the dark glasses and enjoy the flash of your photo ops.  “Here’s looking at you kid!”

(Anything Covered in Milk Chocolate…)
Your positive attitude has got you thinking about spring.  Just like your sugar, things like flowers, red breasted robins, and budding trees are just a few things that you look forward to.  We are coming out of our deep freeze and as always you will welcome the new season with a smile.

(Anything Covered in White Chocolate…)
Just like your sweet treat you question if you are real or not real.  Those who don’t know you might think that you are a little plastic and you yourself often wonder is it really necessary to gravitate towards all of those materialistic things in your life?  Well yes!  You like the creaminess of your favorite indulgence and so what if your besties are named Louie, Tiffany, and Oscar!  You continue to be the trendsetter and don’t be afraid to generate some buzz..

(Tootsie Rolls, Mary Janes, Bit O Honey…)
As things change there is one thing in your life that remains constant, yep, you got it…your retro candy favorites! Mary Jane’s, Dubble Bubble, Tootsie Rolls and more!  You surrounded yourself with all your old school favorites, because you like to feel like a kid, and there is nothing wrong with that!  Grab that old blazer in the back of your closet and give it a wear.  We bet you’ll find something sweet stashed in the pockets.

Hello FREAK! Your life is always sugar coated and sweet. Congrats you MANIAC on being so connected to your confections that you make the world taste good.

Sour Apple Belts
Cinnamon Bears
Dark Chocolate Almonds
Gold Foiled Coins

Visit to shop online or to contact us about all things sweet!

Candyality® has been delighting consumers since 2007 on what their candy choices say about them! Our bi-monthly blog and your CandyScope®, is a delightful, mouthwatering perspective of what your favorite candy says about you. Something you can really sink your teeth into! Because @candyality you are what you eat!

2016 Candyality LTD. All rights reserved

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